While imprisoned in Cuba, Normando Hernandez Gonzalez has faced horrifying conditions causing detrimental affects to his health. During the first several months of his imprisonment, he was kept in solitary confinement and allowed only four hours of sunlight a week. He had no access to television or radio and extremely restricted communication with his family. Along with these poor living conditions, Gonzalez' diet consisted of polluted water and inadequate food, he was denied the right to practice religion, and offered only the most basic medical services. His health began to fail him in December of 2006. Since then he has been in and out of hospitals, most lacking the resources needed to treat his condition. Due to a chronic gastrointestinal disorder, causing constant diarrhea, headaches and intermittent fever, Gonzalez has lost a staggering 114lbs. He was also diagnosed with tuberculosis in early 2007, but it is unclear whether he received treatment for this or not. On January 8, 2009 he spent six weeks at Havana prison hospital after developing an abnormal growth on his Adam's apple. He returned to Kilo 7 prison in Camaguey in worse condition than when he arrived. Despite his illnesses, Gonzalez remains in prison, held in complete isolation in life-threatening conditions.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Who is Normando Hernandez Gonzalez?
Normando Hernandez Gonzalez was arrested in his hometown of Camaguey, Cuba on March 18, 2003. Prior to his arrest, he was the director of Camaguey College of Independent Journalists and worked as a writer and independent journalist. Gonzalez was arrested along with 74 other journalists considered to be dissedents by the Cuban government. He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for violating the terms under Article 91 of the Cuban Criminal Code. Under Article 91 the penalty of 10 to 20 years in prison or death is given to those who commit an act with the intent to cause damage to the independence of the Cuban State or the integrity of its territory. Unfortunately for Gonzalez, his reports on the conditions of state-run services in Cuba and criticisms of the government's management of issues such as tourism, agriculture, fishing, and cultural affairs led to his imprisonment back in 2003.
While imprisoned in Cuba, Normando Hernandez Gonzalez has faced horrifying conditions causing detrimental affects to his health. During the first several months of his imprisonment, he was kept in solitary confinement and allowed only four hours of sunlight a week. He had no access to television or radio and extremely restricted communication with his family. Along with these poor living conditions, Gonzalez' diet consisted of polluted water and inadequate food, he was denied the right to practice religion, and offered only the most basic medical services. His health began to fail him in December of 2006. Since then he has been in and out of hospitals, most lacking the resources needed to treat his condition. Due to a chronic gastrointestinal disorder, causing constant diarrhea, headaches and intermittent fever, Gonzalez has lost a staggering 114lbs. He was also diagnosed with tuberculosis in early 2007, but it is unclear whether he received treatment for this or not. On January 8, 2009 he spent six weeks at Havana prison hospital after developing an abnormal growth on his Adam's apple. He returned to Kilo 7 prison in Camaguey in worse condition than when he arrived. Despite his illnesses, Gonzalez remains in prison, held in complete isolation in life-threatening conditions.
While imprisoned in Cuba, Normando Hernandez Gonzalez has faced horrifying conditions causing detrimental affects to his health. During the first several months of his imprisonment, he was kept in solitary confinement and allowed only four hours of sunlight a week. He had no access to television or radio and extremely restricted communication with his family. Along with these poor living conditions, Gonzalez' diet consisted of polluted water and inadequate food, he was denied the right to practice religion, and offered only the most basic medical services. His health began to fail him in December of 2006. Since then he has been in and out of hospitals, most lacking the resources needed to treat his condition. Due to a chronic gastrointestinal disorder, causing constant diarrhea, headaches and intermittent fever, Gonzalez has lost a staggering 114lbs. He was also diagnosed with tuberculosis in early 2007, but it is unclear whether he received treatment for this or not. On January 8, 2009 he spent six weeks at Havana prison hospital after developing an abnormal growth on his Adam's apple. He returned to Kilo 7 prison in Camaguey in worse condition than when he arrived. Despite his illnesses, Gonzalez remains in prison, held in complete isolation in life-threatening conditions.
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